Gerakan Literasi Sekolah

Gerakan literasi sekolah merupakan program yang dibuat oleh pemerintah untuk mendorong siswa-siswi Indonesia agar memiliki budaya membaca atau minat baca yang tinggi. Gerakan ini sendiri dilakukan dengan membaca buku non-pelajaran selama 15 menit sebelum waktu belajar dimulai. Saat ini, gerakan literasi sekolah telah direalisasikan meskipun mendapat tanggapan yang beragam dari masyarakat, terutama dari para pelajar.

Ada banyak alasan yang memperkuat bahwa gerakan literasi sekolah tepat untuk dilaksanakan. Alasan yang pertama, gerakan ini dapat menumbukan dan meningkatkan minat membaca para siswa. Hal ini sangatlah bermanfaat, karena dengan membaca dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan para siswa. Alasan kedua, dengan membaca tentu akan menambah kosakata yang dapat membantu siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Selain itu, dengan bertambahnya kosakata, otomatis dapat membantu kita untuk membuat karya tulis sendiri dengan bahasa yang baik

Alasan berikutnya ialah kegiatan ini dapat mengurangi stress. Dengan melakukan kegiatan membaca, dapat membantu menekan perkembangan hormon stress seperti hormon kortisol sehingga dapat membuat pikiran lebih santai. Hal tersebut dapat membantu menurunkan tingkat stress hingga 67%. Selain relaksasi, dengan membaca buku dapat membawa kedamaian batin serta ketenangan yang sangat besar. Selain itu, dengan berbagai dampak positif dari membaca tersebut, tentu dapat meningkatkan SDM di Indonesia dan dapat membawa Indonesia ke arah yang lebih baik.

Akan tetapi, ada siswa yang berpendapat bahwa gerakan literasi ini sia-sia dan hanya membuang waktu saja. Bahkan, dalam pelaksanaannya waktu literasi ini banyak disalahgunakan oleh para siswa. Mereka memanfaatkan waktu tersebut untuk bermain ataupun bercanda gurau dengan temannya. Sebenarnya hal ini terjadi jika kurangnya pengawasan dari pihak sekolah, seharusnya pihak sekolah bisa mengawasinya dengan baik.

Ada juga siswa yang berpendapat bahwa dengan kegiatan ini membuatnya menjadi kurang fokus ketika mengikuti pelajaran jam pertama. Hal ini dikarenakan ia terlalu terbawa dalam cerita yang dibacanya dan masih terbawa cerita tersebut saat mengikuti kegiatan belajar.

Dari uraian di atas, saya sebagai penanggap sepakat dengan dilaksanakannya “Gerakan Literasi Sekolah”. Kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan minat membaca para siswa sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh dampak positif dari membaca. Dalam pelaksanaannya, perlu pengawasan dari pihak sekolah agar kegiatan ini dapat terlaksana dengan baik dan efektif. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa kegiatan ini sangat bermanfaat bagi para siswa dan kegiatan ini dapat terus dilaksanakan.

Dibuat oleh : Devina Nabila Fitri


Summer Camp

Today was my first day at summer camp! I had a lot of fun. I had to wake up very early. My dad dropped me off at the park and I met my counselor. Her name was Jamie. There were nine other people in my group.

The first thing that we did was go on a nature hike. The hike was long. We walked through the entire park. I saw two squirrels and a rabbit. I was afraid that I was going to see a snake. It was hot and I got a lot of bug bites.

After the hike, we had arts amd crafts. I made a bookmark to take home with me. I colored it blue and used a lot of glitter.

After arts and crafts, we played my favorite game!

“Hey, how about we play hide and seek?” I asked.

“Yes, that sounds exciting.” Anna said.

“Okay, let’s call others and play!” Budi said.

Then, we called nine other people in the group. They seemed interested. They said that they wanted to join hide and seek game.

“I join to play hide and seek!” said them simultaneously.

After that, we played happily. Time by time has passed. Finally, we felt tired and bored, so we decided to finish the game. The game was very tiring but we were so happy after played the game. That was a good day for us.

“Oh, what a good day! This day is very fun. We’ve got a lot of experiences even though I feel tired because playing hide and seek.” Ruri said.

We agreed with her until we recognized that one of the members in the group was lost. He was Ray. We were worried about him. We thought about the worst possibility and that makes us more scared.

“How if Ray has eaten by wild animals?” Budi said fearfully.

“Why do you say that? You make me feel more worried about him! But, the fact is there is no wild animal becaude it is just a park.” Anna said.

“Calm down. It’s better if we look for him. We talk something that unnecessary, it will waste our time.” said Ruri wisely.

We looked for him until the sun went down, but he hadn’t found by us. We felt guilty and sad. We were confused how to find him. This problem was too difficult because the park is very wide. Then, we went to our camp without any good news.

“It’s time to go back. If we didn’t find him today, maybe we will find him tomorrow.” I said

Nine other people in the group said yes because we had no idea what we had to do that time. We went to our camp. Everyone (included me) fell silent because we had something worried on our mind along the way to the camp.

After we arrived to the camp, there was the most annoying thing. Ray was sleeping in the camp! We made him woke up by shouting our voice together.

“AAA…!” we shouted.

“Ray, you make us worried about you. Where have you been during we played hide and seek? We couldn’t find you anywhere!” I asked

“I’m sorry. Actually, I was too tired to continue the game, so i slept here and I didn’t tell anyone because I didn’t want to disturbing all of you because you all look so enthusiastic with the game.” Ray said.

“Okay, we forgive you. But, please don’t do that again, you made us worried about you because we couldn’t find you anywhere.” Budi said.

Fortunately, Ray could be found. After that, we were very relieved. We enjoyed our summer camp together and forgot about that. Our summer camp was very fun and there wasn’t any problem again.

by : Diandra Paramita A.

Summer Camp

Today was my first day at summer camp! I had a lot of fun. I had to wake up very early. My dad dropped me off at the park and I met my counselor. Her name was Jamie. There were nine other people in my group.

The first thing that we did was go on a nature hike. The hike was long. We walked through the entire park. I saw two squirrels and a rabbit. I was afraid that I was going to see a snake. It was hot and I got a lot of bug bites.

After the hike, we had arts and crafts. I made a bookmark to take home with me. I colored it blue and used a lot of glitter.

After arts and crafts, we played my favorite game !

It was Scrabble game. the game was divided into 3 rounds to be fun. first round was elimination, second round was semifinal and third round was the final. 4 participants with the highest score in the elimination round would go to the semifinal round. And the final would be joined by two participants who won the semifinal round. My friend, Alan won this game and I was eliminated in semifinal round.

After that, we went to the lake for a swim. Swimming in the open nature was very fun. It felt different from swimming in an artificial swimming pool. The water was clear and fresh, not like the lake in the middle of a city.

Our day was closed by singing together while circling the fire. It was a very exciting experience.


by:  Syandana Fadhil S.

Summer Camp

Today was my first day at summer camp! I had a lot of fun. I had to wake up very early. My dad
dropped me off at the park and I met my counselor. Her name was Jamie. There were nine other people in
my group.
The first thing that we did was go on a nature hike. The hike was long. We walked through the
entire park. I saw two squirrels and a rabbit. I was afraid that I was going to see a snake. It was hot and I
got a lot of bug bites.
After the hike, we had arts and crafts. I made a bookmark to take home with me. I colored it blue
and used a lot of glitter.
After arts and crafts, we played my favorite game!

We played basketball. We played enthusiastically. Suddenly, litha souted. When we checked her, her ankle was sprained. We helped her went to the clinic. So, the doctor took care of Litha. After that we had dinner. We ate in front of a bigcampfire. We ate burned fish, burned meat, and burned fish. We drank a cup of hot chocolate too. After ate dinner, we sang many songs. We sang the song happily. After that, we went sleep.

On the second day, we did an outbound. I were very happy, when I climbed the rope, accrossed the bridge, and finally flied with flying fox. After that, we drank a cup of iced lemon tea and had lunch. We ate hamburger, hotdog, and sandwich. Finally we packed our clothes and went home. Before we went home, we did the closing ceremony. We shared our contact, hugged each other, and took a souvenir. The souvenir was a pencil case and some stationeries. Such as, pencil, pen, eraser, and correction tape. We were very happy. My father arrived at summer camp at 3 p.m, and I went home. I wanted to  joined another summer camp next year.

Written by: Fanlent Wellischiv V (12)

Summer Camp

Today was my first day at summer camp! I had a lot of fun. I had to wake up very early. My dad dropped me off at the park and I met my counselor. Her name was Jamie. There were nine other people in my group.

The first thing that we did was go on a nature hike. The hike was long. We walked through the entire park. I saw two squirrels and a rabbit. I was afraid that I was going to see a snake. It was hot and I got a lot of bug bites.

After the hike, we had arts and crafts. I made a bookmark to take home with me. I colored it blue and used a lot of glitter.

After arts and crafts, we played my favorite game basketball.

My favorite game was playing basketball. We played basketball by divided our camp group members into 2 teams, there were 5 people in a team. I was on the first team and my counselor, Jamie was the judge. The game was be held with fierce and sportive. And in the end, my team won the basketball game.

After played basketball, we took a break for a moment. I and my friends took the time to drink for a moment. After that, our counselor, Jamie called us to gather together.

“Hello kids, so after you play basketball, I want to invite and teach you to make your own tent together.” Jamie said

“Sir, how many people can fill a tent?” I asked.

“So, a tent can be filled by 3-4 people, is up to you to decide and choose friend who will one tent with you. So, we will make 3 tents here !” Jamie said.

Then, we all started making the tent together. After that, we started tidying our stuff into the tent.

At the night, we gathered together around the bonfire in a circle. Our counselor, Jamie was leading that event, the activities we did were singing together, playing some exciting games, storytelling, and others. After that event, we slept together in our tent that we have made, the condition inside the tent was quite crowded but still felt cool. My first day at summer camp was very exciting. I was very happy, entertained, and memorable for me. The next day, in the afternoon we went back home. I was picked up by my Dad to go home.

By: Devina Nabila Fitri


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